Highly concentrated, ready-to-use cleaning fluid. Removes deposits in the injection pump or high-pressure pump, on injection nozzles or injectors and in the combustion chamber and prevents new deposits from forming. Prevents any seizing up and gumming up of nozzle needles. Improves engine running and optimizes the emissions values. Eliminates starting difficulties, rough engine running, poor throttle response and loss of performance. Preserves and protects the entire fuel system against wear and corrosion. Clean engines use less fuel and reduce the pollutant emissions.
Suitable for all diesel engines with and without a diesel particulate filter (DPF). For direct application via JetClean devices. In a preventative fashion at each inspection, after repairs to the fuel system or for treating problems. Tested for compatibility with turbochargers.
Ready for use for undiluted filling of the JetClean devices. A detailed application description is given in the instructions for use for the JetClean devices.