Engine: B18C VTEC
Power (Up to): 1500bhp
Design: 4340
Stroke: 3.543
Type: Internal Balance
Bobweight: +/- 2%
Engine: B18C VTEC
Power (Up to): 1500bhp
Design: 4340
Stroke: 3.74
Type: Internal Balance
Bobweight: +/- 2%
Eagle Speciality Products has been rapidly growing since opening in 1992 by constantly improving and upgrading. Before even opening, they spent 10 years developing the technology, designing the products and developing the relationships that would take them to the top.
The bobweight listed is the bobweight range that the crank is “out of the box” new from Eagle. This information is provided to help the engine builder estimate balancing costs. Eagle crankshafts are designed so that when used with typical components, only removal of material should be necessary to balance the crankshaft.